Aidan Timson (Timmo)

Software Developer Software Developer Tinkerer Tinkerer All Round Nerd All Round Nerd

Hello! 👋

My name is Aidan, but you may know me better as Timmo or @timmo001

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Open Source Contributions

In my spare time, I work on open-source projects on GitHub. I contribute to projects such as Home Assistant , a home automation platform that integrates with many different providers using Python for the backend/core and a TypeScript frontend using the Polymer framework. I have also written a few of my own projects such as System Bridge and Home Panel which are written in TypeScript and Python using frameworks like NextJS, ReactJS, Qt, NestJS and FeathersJS. I've written CI pipelines using GitHub workflows , Azure DevOps Pipelines and GitLab CI. For my websites, I am using a CMS called Strapi, with a NextJS frontend connecting to its GraphQL API.

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Contribution Graph


If you like my work and want to send a tip my way, you can find links below on one-time payment or an ongoing sponsorship. Thank you in advance for any contribution! 👍